Kail Hulter's Hole

A fairly calm day, with a breeze now and again.  It's mostly been dull, with low cloud and showers. 

A morning around the house, and walkies with Sammy.  Headed down to sister Laura's for lunch, with mam and Bruce Cheyne.  After lunch, me and Sammy hiked over the hills, to the Theif's Hole, King's Knowe, the Giant's Bed, on to Starraberg and then back to Laura's.  Nipped into town for some errands before tea.  I've been working in the pub this evening.  Busy putting up the Christmas decorations.  More walkies, and now feet up. 

My quest today was to find the Thief's Hole, or known as Kail Hulter's Hole.  In the beginning of the 18th century, lived here in this cavern a famous thief known by the apellation of 'Kail Hulter', whether it was his real name has never transpired.  He was a native of Northmavine, and had to flee from there in consequence of the depredations committed by him.  He lived in this cavern for years, going undetected, as it was hidden and concealed by heather.  He used to dress in sheepskin, and pinch sheep from the hills, selling the wool in Dunrossness in winter months.  One day a small boy passed by the cavern, and was grabbed by Kail, and held captive for a while, tied to a chair.  The boy gained Kail's trust, and they set out on a quest one night to pinch butter and beef from the boys parents house, thus giving the boy a chance to get his family to capture Kail.  He was later hanged at the Wilga, across on the other side of the hill from here, where criminals were hanged.  Full story in Shetland Times 27 Jan 1877. The cavern is blocked up now, probably intended by the folk.  I'd love to get the rock out, and have a look inside, and see if there are any remaining artefacts.  Taken up Hoofield, Cunningsburgh.  

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