A Driech Wander

A dull day, and heavy showers in the afternoon.  The wind picked up, but calmer again tonight. 

It was a busy night, and a good night at the wedding.  A lazy morning around the house.  Me and Sammy headed out for a walk in the afternoon.  I had to run peerie Brian back to the airport later, he's had to get back to Madeline in the hospital.  Popped along sister Laura in my way home for a quick cuppa.  A quiet evening by the fire. 

It was much needed to get out in the fresh air and clear the head, so me and Sammy hiked into the hills.  We were following this old track road, and then the heavens opened, we were soaked in no time!  Taken along the side of the Loch of Brouster, Brig o Waas.  

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