Putting up da Christmas Lights

A fine calm day, and a fine sunny morning.  It clouded over in the afternoon, and then rain came in by teatime.  

I ended up heading to friends house after work last night, but I was tired and didn't stay long.  Up bright and early this morning, and out with Sammy after breakfast.  Mam and dad were in Scalloway in the afternoon, and had a walk with them, and then lunch at home.  Laura and Elise came by too, a good yarn and a cuppa.  A fairly quiet evening, big Brian Madeline popped by.  No walkies yet, still raining, so fire is on and feet are up.

With the fine afternoon, I took advantage, and made a start to getting the Christmas lights up.  Dad helped Brian with lights on the flagpole, while Elise was my peerie helper and climbed in the trees to help me wrap them around the branches, while mam pinched my camera and took a few snaps.  Six sets of lights in the garden now, there may be more soon.  Taken at home, Houl Road, Scalloway.  

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