Hats for Maggie’s

This is the last hat, hot off the needles, for Maggie’s to sell for their funds. I took 20 beanies and berets to them today and counting the one sold by me to a receptionist at Stobo at the weekend that makes 21 altogether.
I’ve enjoyed knitting every single one and it’s been a great bereavement comforter. Having to concentrate so hard on the pattern wards off any grieving, at least to a large extent.

It was quite sad in a way to see them go- a bit like seeing your children leaving the nest. However there is a church nearby with a fundraising afternoon tea for Marie Curie at the beginning of December with craft stalls, so my needles will be busy again. These charity funded organisations which look after cancer sufferers and their families need all the help they can get, and I have signed up.

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