A Meadows Celebration?

I like to think this couple, wrapped up warmly in the sunshine, were celebrating something special as they sat on a park bench drinking Prosecco from glasses. The usual park drinker is not quite so upright on the seat and is surrounded by more than one empty bottle or can.

It’s strange how things unfold when least expected. I was on my way to the congenial surroundings of Morningside library when I bumped into an old acquaintance in both senses of the word. She was the daughter of my late father’s golfing partner and our paths rarely cross. We diverted for a cup of tea and a catch up.

During the rather chaotic conversation I said how strange it was that while I could remember most of the names of the girls in my class of 40 at my first school which I left age 9, I couldn’t remember the names of people I met last week. She mentioned a name of someone she knew had been at that school and whom I have thought about over the intervening decades wondering what had became of her. Now I know, but how strange to find out so randomly. A coincidence.......... or what?

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