
It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas - unfortunately for this Edinburgh citizen. The City Fathers are intent on seamless transitions from one crowd pleaser to the next. It seems like yesterday we had the Edinburgh Festival and all the other Festivals stretching in a long line back to this New Year festivities at the beginning of 2019.

Work is going apace to erect the stalls for the Christmas Market, although apparently the Cockburn Association has reminded the Council they do not have planning permission to turn East Princes Street in a massive outdoor market. Just goes to show that the council think they can do what they like without any protests from the weary Burghers. Anything it seems is acceptable in the pursuit of money to fill their coffers but unfortunately not the pothole riddled streets.

We will have 6 weeks of city centre misery starting on November 16th if retrospective planning is allowed for the scaffolding village in the Gardens.

I apologise to those of a sensitive nature like my little brother, all 6’2 of him, who may find this blog depressing. Come and live in Central Edinburgh and be more depressed

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