Lining up

Nate and I hung out in the park by Asha's school before collecting her at lunchtime...I loved this abstract view of the handle of a climbing frame.

We had the afternoon with Helen whilst Danny was in prison...good to have time together. We repainted a mobile of wooden turtles that someone had left by the bins...'bin booty' as my friend Claire calls it! Ha! It's gone from pinks and mauves to sea blues and greens with brightly coloured dots! I'll blip it at some point...

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Seeing one of the Roma women outside Nude. We frequently meet her there as she shops for the community and passes by there on the way to the market. I love these day to day meetings that just oil the friendship...
2) Upcycling the mobile. Such a sense of satisfaction...and something nice for Nate's bedroom. 
3) Helen coming round when she was feeling 'bleurgh'.

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