Here Comes the Sun

I was up early with the kids, I opened the windows and leaned out to this glorious view!! The sun rising over the hills...made the early wake up worth it!
I had the chance to prayer walk alone this morning before Danny's classes...then did a few errandy things with Nate & bumped into some people (including James and Rich for an impromptu coffee).

Caña Club tonight and the kids were loving the little park nearby...

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Starting the day with this gift of a sunrise.
2) Danny coming home buzzing from Sa Penya...
3) Asha being wonderful and inclusive with Nate in the park.

4) Extra grateful I've just remembered...Nate walking home absolutely squeezing every possible drop of enjoyment out of it...jumping off every step... dancing in each shop doorway...waving at each friendly person who stroked his head...jumping on each manhole lid in the hope they'd make a noise...touching everything he could (his hands were grotesque by home!) etc etc. Just so joyful and joy-full!

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