Five a day

Urgh, another horrendous night with an unwell Nate...the poor boy...I don't think he slept longer than a 20 minute stretch, and mostly he slept in snatches of 10. I felt so sorry for him. So it's been a quiet day here...we've pottered about the flat...done some art...hung washing out...played...and then headed to the service up in Sa Penya this evening. It was SO nice to get out and have a change of scenery! As ever, just wonderful to be in that place with those people.

And now, hoping for a better night...Nate's definitely cooler to touch...

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Having nowhere to be and nothing to do for most of the day!
2) The joy at being invited into Sa Penya.
3) Sitting blipping...fresh lemon and ginger tea next to me...both kids asleep for the time being..a moment of kid-free peace!

Title thanks to MartinDawe!

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