Spanish Mother's Day gifts

Texas left this's been lovely having him stay. 
Early afternoon we headed to San An for a BBQ with some of the 24-7 guys - good to spend time together, though I'm feeling under the weather. 
Asha's began a new craft project making a doll's house...she's been engrossed! She made a few bits for it whilst we were in San An too.
Home for baths and an early bedtime for the kids, and then Brian and Tracy came round for the evening to check up on how we're doing their official 24-7 Prayer bit! It was so so good to chat and update...Danny took them to the airport for their midnight flight back to the UK.

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Asha finding a new project to keep her going.
2) Jud, Stephen and Gareth's hospitality.
3) Brian and Tracy taking the time to catch up with us.

*Apparently today is my 2,500th blip!!!! How on earth has that happened?! I'm so so grateful for this place, for how it's helped change and shape my outlook, search for beauty, become a daily discipline, for how it's introduced me to so many wonderful and caring people, for how it's opened my eyes to so many other ways of's just brilliant! And thankyou to all you blippers who are so graciously patient with me and my rubbish lack of commenting these past few months (well, 2 years, since Nate showed up!!)'re all wonderments and I'm grateful for you. Love Lydie xx

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