Apol0gies for this shocking self portrait. Not pretty is it. Thought I would post it so I can look back at it WHEN I FEEL BETTER.

I am staying indoors today. Its another dark day of heavy rain and I don't need to go out. I am almost ready for Christmas. All of the presents have been bought ( some have even been wrapped ) and I only need a few fresh food items which I will get on Monday. The tree is up..... but so far it has no decorations on it. Poor bare tree. Must make the effort to put some baubles on it before Christmas Day.

Am expecting " the boiler man " later on. When he fitted the new boiler a couple of weeks ago there was some problem with the room thermostat - wrong one or something. He said he would get a fresh one and call back. Had to ring and remind them about it and they said he would come today.

Will have to go out tomorrow -- to the match. Newcastle play QPR. Surely they will WIN and send me home happy. Surely..........???

Box update --- they are still there on the drive... getting soggier by the second.

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