Dolly's Day

By dollydoug


Had a busy day - had to go to Health Centre - AGAIN - to pick up a prescription for a " LimbO ". Then go to chemist and get the " LimbO ". It's a plastic cover for my foot and leg so I can have a shower without getting my bandage wet.

Then to Gateshead for a bit of shopping. It was busy.

Back home around 4pm. It was just getting dark. Went into dining room without putting the light on and saw Bobby in his usual place - fast asleep on his little table beside the computer. However when I got close up I realised it wasn't Bobby - it was Cookie - my neighbour's cat. Bobby was asleep on the computer chair. Usurped! No idea what goes on between those 2 while I'm out - but they both seemed quite happy sleeping where they were.

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