Frozen Assets!

At last the overnight thaw has freed the road from hard-packed snow and ice. Revealed was this bank note which was duly "liberated" and had been earmarked for Euan's bank book. Well, "Finders keepers, losers weepers" they do say.
We managed to take Rona back down the wood this morning after a gap of some days. The main path is sadly still not fully clear so we took no chances (I have no wish to repeat the broken wrist of three years ago, thank you very much!) and chickened out! Rona did get a wee run and was perfectly happy.
A short blip hunt by car followed the discovery of the above "treasure trove" which allowed MaggieD to get a good shot of Ben Ledi covered in snow.
A somewhat frustrating interlude followed when I could not access Google so was unable to do anything on the old laptop.
However, "Strictly - the results" has been & gone and now they are five. Sorry to see Nicky go; I thought he did a great job.

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