A Video from Santa

Still deadly treacherous underfoot - tried to go down to the canal this morning for a walk and got the car stuck! Nose into the fence and sticking out across the road!
Finally got free by stuffing a couple of car mats under the front wheels and that gave the required traction. After that we abandoned the whole idea and went back across the fields! Rona was perfectly happy with that.
Later we had Ali (six weeks to go!) and Euan up for tea. He has decided that he is too big for a high chair and wanted to sit just like the rest of us. Well, he sat perfectly and demolished his dinner like a good 'un. Mag had set up a little video clip from Santa especially for Euan - he was fascinated to hear his name. Good fun!
Strictly is now on and this laptop is about to throw a wobbly so I will catch up with you all shortly!

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