Tufted Duck, Linlithgow Loch.

We visited the loch this afternoon just for a change. It was mostly frozen but a small patch was clear and was mobbed with numerous waterfowl - swans, greylag geese, mallard, assorted gulls and several of these cute wee characters. They kept vanishing and re-appearing as if by magic but if you watched closely you could follow the trail of bubbles as they "flew" underwater. This one had just surfaced and still has water droplets on his back.
We were also trying not to watch a couple with two dogs and a little boy of about two. the wee lad was utterly determined to look right down into the water and was standing on the kerbing at the very edge. Ok, its not deep at that point but just hitting that frigid water could cause serious harm. Peace was eventually restored and blood pressure reduced when the wannabe diver "spat the dummy" and was carried away roaring by his parents. Phew!
It is now just after 2.30 and already the sun is well down to the horizon. Roll on the Solstice when we can look to the lengthening days!

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