Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair

Winter morning

Woke this morning to a beautiful view over the fields. At first there was a freezing mist which cleared over half an hour or so to the crisp clarity of a wintery morning.
We went for a walk up Scout Scar the air was so clear. The views in all directions from the top were amazing, we could see right across to the Langdale Pikes and Scafell to the North West, to the estuary to the South West and over to the Howgills in the East. We drove over to Stavely where we had lunch at Wilf's cafe. Last time we were here it had been raining heavily for several days and the river was in danger of bursting it's banks, thankfully today it was much calmer.
After lunch we headed to one of my childhood haunts Tarn Hows, behind Hawkshead. We didn't get there until after 3 so it was very peaceful. The snow here was thicker, the temperature hadn't risen above freezing all day so it hadn't melted even though it had some late afternoon sun on it while we were there. The snow made that wonderful crunching sound as we walked on it around the tarn. It was such a beautiful winter's day for a walk, with icicles, frozen grass and leaves, and icy puddles. The tarn too was frozen quite thickly in places, but there were still geese, ducks and various small birds to be seen as well as what I think was an owl, flying between the islets.
Plenty of walking today, 13,660 steps

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