Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

Damp dog


Another of those crisp sunny days! Even not too cold. I popped across town on an errand, but that takes an hour. Then I was working up to taking Archie out while JR made more delicious nibbles for our visitors this afternoon. JR thought that Libby said she couldn’t come today... but she turned up, she hadn’t said that at all. Good! Archie went off for a big long muddy walk in the Hermitage, and I got some jobs done outside, which needed to be done.

First of all I tidied the back woodshed and made room for a new delivery, I also organised the front shed, as I'm getting a bigger load this time. Should be able to fit them all in, I think I’ve got the big load before.

The glue stuff to fix my leaking wellie arrived, so I did that too - hopefully it'll do the trick. I'm loathe to buy new wellies - I’ve hardly worn these ones.

Archie arrived back with black socks on - thick mud right up his knees! Straight into the shower for him, while Libby stayed and had a cuppa and then put up with a damp dog sitting on her lap. She didn’t mind.

Plenty of time to get organised for our visitors. JR is an efficient production line, she doesn’t really need me - I do important things like dressing Archie in his festive bandana, lighting the candles and finding the right Christmas music on Spotify. NO Slade! Or Donny Osmond.

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