Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

Exciting wee visitor!

I have been told by my physio that - wait for it - my feet are too flat! So I have yet another 'ailment' to add to my portfolio. I seem to have managed all my life with them, so I’m not sure what can be/should be done, but she recommended a podiatrist, so Archie and I went down to Tolcross to book an appointment (February!)

We then walked round Tolcross and up the road home. Now, Tolcross is a very messy part of town. Lots of bits of rubbish and stuff around. Archie pulled and pulled and rushed ahead to grab any bits of bread or pizza he could find. AND he then refused to cross the road or go the way I wanted. He quite often does this, and it’s usually quite amusing, unless you really want to go a certain way. But it's not a good look dragging a dog along by the collar, which I had to do. So we eventually got to the pet shop, where I went in and got him a muzzle, and a harness. He was not too happy, but he just walked along sensibly after that. I think he'll have to wear the muzzle around town streets which are often in a disgusting state. It's not Archie's fault, it's the fault of litter louts (we're near a high school) and the council who rarely clean the streets (Rant over).

In the afternoon our special little visitor arrived - Isobel, with her dad. What a wee sweetie she is. So alert and wanting to crawl everywhere. Archie was very brave and came near her a few times, but she really really really wanted to get her wee hands on him and he was having none of it.

(Extra) - especially for MaggieD.

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