Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

Not the right good

Goodness me, that was some dose of the lurgy I had! Fortunately it was as its worst for only one night and one day. I slept last night, the coughing fits are fewer and less frequent, thank goodness.

And so I was able to attend my hospital appointment. JR dropped me off and then went up the hill with Archie. What a glorious morning it was. Pity JR forgot her phone to take some photos. Archie rolled in something stinky!

It was a little Day Hospital where doctors send people they don’t know what to do with. Various specialists are on hand. It was very good. I was the youngest patient by about 20 years. But the boy who took me off to another room said he was a doctor! Well, he was wearing a stethoscope.

I also saw a physiotherapist, which was most useful. It seems that the expectations I had of my new knees were too high. Continuing problems are the norm, apparently. Which, of course, they don’t mention before the ops. Although I did lots of things - cycling, physio, acupuncture, aquafit, dog walking et al, I see now that while this was GOOD, it was just not the RIGHT GOOD. I need to be doing targeted exercises on my hamstrings and leg muscles, as they're pathetically weak, which is adding to - or even causing the pains.

I can do them at home, or, I’m thinking... maybe join the gym again. It has all the proper equipment for building up leg (and arm) muscles. I very nearly popped in this afternoon and re-joined. But I gave Archie a long overdue haircut instead. I’ll go tomorrow. I just have to. The alternative is too depressing to contemplate.

Here he's reading about the indoor fireworks that Christine gave us. He's very excited and can’t wait to try them.

Well, not the bangy ones.

Or the fizzy ones.

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