Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

Rory the bouncing dog!


Dreich day. Instead of going to the gym, JR went early to the supermarket to avoid queues.

It was a day for staying inside and watching a film. Unless you have a dog... Janet popped over with Bailey, and as she wasn’t feeling too well, I took both dogs out to Braidburn Vallley Park because it's less muddy there.

Bailey and Archie together are quite yappy when they see another dog. In fact, Archie was yapping at a big hairy dog on the other side of the burn, when it jumped in, crossed over and stood over him. He was VERY quiet then. Dead funny.

The two dogs ran around, looking for mischief. We met Rory, the bouncing dog. I was impressed, but our two pretended not to be.

Fire on, chocolate to hand, we watched a movie in the afternoon.

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