
My Dear Princess,

This is Jeffrey (real name Zahara). This is her saying "hello" to us when we wandered into her house. She is, her keeper informed us, the smartest and most curious giraffe he has ever worked with.

Certainly she was very curious about us. Peering at us around corners and following our progress around the enclosure before deciding we were all right and letting us feed her.

The keeper gave us lots of answers to questions. We tried to ask questions to appear intelligent, but actually the only question we really wanted to ask, over and over, in increasingly silly voices was, "How cute are YOU? How CUTE? How cutes is de giwaffe?? "

But no. We preserved our dignity and instead asked:

- How old is she?
About 14, which is middle-aged for a giraffe. They live to around 20.

- How often does she sleep?
It turns out that giraffes only need about 4 hours sleep, which they snatch throughout the day in very short (5-10 minute) intervals. They can sleep standing up, but sometimes they curl up like a cow. 

- Why are Zahara's markings different to Zuri (her little friend)?
The markings vary a lot, it turns out, and change with age. Although - and they've only just acknowledged this in the past 5 years - there are actually four different species of giraffe, not one as previously thought. And this also accounts for differences in markings.

- How do they cope with Wellington's weather?
Okay, but they like to come in when it is especially windy, cold and wet.

We got to feed Zahara (Zuri is not as confident and preferred to watch). We had to hold onto branches tight as she RIPPED the leaves off them with her powerful tongue. (It is purple, said the keeper, to avoid tongue-sunburn).

I've posted lots of pictures in the extras. You can just see how lovely and friendly Zahara is, batting her long eyelashes at us. She seemed to really take a shine to Cazza. We were speculating whether it was her hair. Or maybe she just sensed another glamorous female in the area.

We LOVED it. So much. Both giraffes were just beautiful and made us so happy. Thank you Princess. It really is the best present anyone has ever given me. I think both of us just about floated home on a wave of giraffe happiness.


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