A Mouse With A Gun

My Dear Princess and Dear Fellows,

It was another glorious day today. I went out for a long walk around the botanics. It is annoying. I get lost all the time, but when I try to get lost, I find I keep returning to the same spot. So although I kept trying to be a pathfinder and head down overgrown paths, I kept ending up at Lady Effing Norwood's Effing Rose Garden. 

(Not actual name).

Still, it was a lovely day and the birds were going MENTAL in the trees. I walked through the Australian Garden and found a lovely flowering plant in there called "Crouch Honeypot" which I have decided will be my porn star name. 

But it was so hot I felt myself fully sapped by the time I got home. 

Drained. Enervated. Effed.

And this was NO GOOD because there were boxes and boxes and boxes to unpack. Our shipping container stuff has been stacked up since Friday. Er Indoors is not so bothered but I wanted to find three things:

a) My book of notes
b) My hard drives with all of the movies and tv I have carefully curated over the years
c) Alexa

So, mission accomplished on all three counts. I haven't rigged Alexa up yet, but I've been missing music around the flat so it will be good to get her set up in our kitchen slash boogie wonderland.

The other big ticket item was Punky's Throne. It is the only bit of furniture we brought with us and I'm so glad that Er Indoors was bonkers enough to suggest it. It was Punky's favourite bed in Edinburgh, but I wasn't sure he would remember or care about it.

Well I was wrong. As soon as it was out he was ALL OVER it. Rubbing himself on it, scratching at it, having a big wash in the middle of it and finally hiding under it. It is like his friend. So it had to be today's picture. We are never allowed to throw it out.

And then in the evening "Mission: Impossible" on the telly. It is good to have those hard drives back, I tell ya.


p.s. So I've attached the "Mouse With A Gun" poem in the extras. It is nothing at all like I remembered, but it comes with some of my sketches for the Lovely Nieces' book. They must have thought me bonkers.

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