Dusty (Day1276)

The hoped for curry didn't happen quite as planned last night. We wandered into the restaurant to be quickly ushered out by a bloke wearing a stab proof vest which said "Customs and Excise" on it. There was also a police officer. It would appear that they were doing checks to make sure no illegal immigrants were there. 
Instead, my beautiful wife and I headed along to another place to eat, where we bumped into Pam and Richard. We haven't seen them for ages and it was great to catch up.
This morning, after the woofer wander, and getting the house ready for the insulators, I trundled off to Evie to deal with a leaking bath. It seems that a rat had been having a lovely time chewing through a plastic pipe fitting, leaving it leaking. 
Later, I made my way to town to change a loo for a customer. Changing the loo was really easy, switching the water off was nearly impossible because the stop cock was almost inaccessible. 
I arrived home to a house smelling of fresh paint and looking much better. We are just waiting to have skirting boards put on and then the work is finished. 

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