More funky flowers (Day 1640)

The weather today has been vile. I got blown around and wet on the morning woofer wander, then got a bit damp unloading, sorting out and reloading the back of the van.
The plan for the rest of the day was to head across to Stromness with  my beautiful wife, drop the woofers off at Mum and Dad's, then head to the yard and bring the horses in for a bit of respite from the wind and rain. Whilst HV stayed at the yard, I was to return to Mum and Dad's to installify Mum's new cooker. 
Bringing the horses in was pretty horrible. George doesn't like walking into wind and rain and I struggled to keep him moving. He did, at least, seem happy to be inside and out of the rain once I managed to drag him into the shed. 
Back at Mum and Dad's the cooker installification took a fair bit longer than I had anticipated, and I was still busy with it after lunch when HV headed off to wander the woofers. 
The new cooker was finally in place and all connected up in the middle of the afternoon and I zoomed off to the yard to help HV get the horses back out to a wet field. George seemed to be quite keen to get back out to the grass, despite the grim weather. 
We had a quick dinner with Mum and Dad before heading home to play with the macro lens and the vase of flowers in the sitting room. It is about as good as photography gets today. 

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