Flower (Day 910)

I walked up the hill this morning in sunshine, which made a really nice change.
A little later I was off to the wilds of Evie to remove a radiator and cap off the pipes supplying it.
The system drained really quickly, the radiator was easy to remove and the capping of the pipework went without a hitch. I was pretty sure that I had managed to re-fill the system. Switching on the boiler proved me wrong. I couldn't get the water to circulate through the heating circuit and then found a control valve which leaking and needing to be replaced. Another drain down, a valve swap and a re-filling of the system followed. It took forever to get the heating running again, but I finally manged. There is no such thing as a simple job.
I returned home cold and blipless after spending far too long outside fiddling with the boiler. The flowers looked like they were worth a quick shot.

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