A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

View from the train

Turns out I can just about reach as far as Brighton and be back for school pick up. Not that I saw much of Brighton but that wasn't the reason for going. Which was catching up with a friend from uni who I had lost touch with and hadn't seen for 10 years. So we found a lovely, cosy place in the Lanes and settled in to catch up on 10 years in 2 hours. Fascinating, interesting, fun and exhausting. We did think afterwards perhaps we should have gone for an instalments approach. Hopefully now we are back in touch it won't be 10 years until the next time. Especially as I love an excuse for a train ride. I'm tempted to hang out on trains more often. I might have to see where else my tether will stretch to.

Obviously should have take a picture of Kate but was too busy gabbing to think of it. Next time.

Lesley x

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