From the dark corner.....

By Rozwood1970

You've got a friend

Dearie me! I'm tired (again) this evening and am doing my blip while sat in bed with my iPad and wearing my Winnie the Pooh pyjamas. The good news is that I am not wearing my walking boots. Glamour information over with now...

It was a dreary kind of day again weather wise. Work wise, there were no disasters or wild excitement to speak of. I didn't feel like going out after work but I thought I'd better force myself to get some Ayr air (no groans please) and it was off to see the seagulls at TK Maxx again although I was positive I wasn't going to take any birdie picture today.

However, Mom seemed to find a little friend while she was stood there watching some funny looking geese and swans having a noisy discussion on the waterside below. He was watching and listening quite intently!

Right! Goodnight! My eyes are hanging out of my head. I will make more of an effort tomorrow.

Track? An old classic to go with today - James Taylor and Carole King featuring James Taylor with hair the year after I was born.

You've got a friend

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