From the dark corner.....

By Rozwood1970

I ate my picture!

I'm suffering from serious lack of inspiration today or maybe I'm just tired and need an early night.

My feathered pal didn't get all the mulled wine chocolates yesterday. Windy and rainy all day, I didn't step outside the door. Especially when I saw Mom blow across the window through the trees on the way back from going for her flu jab, I decided I wasn't going anywhere! I'm exaggerating slightly of course.

I'm afraid I ate half of my picture rearranging them and now I have eaten the rest. Taking food pictures is surprisingly difficult. I tried it with flash, without flash, on a wooden tray, on a plate, in a pile, separately, in pairs and then they started melting.

At the end of all that, all I can say is

Hic! Burp!


Track? Sweet Wine - Cream

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