From the dark corner.....

By Rozwood1970

Down to the Sea

I was just remarking to FrankS on his After the Rain blip how strange it is how the most gorgeous skies appear after the most foul of weather.

I felt quite miserable and out of sorts the last couple of days. Eating half a ton of very rich mulled wine chocs on Monday didn't help but the dreary weather certainly finished me off. I was feeling incredibly ancient (192 rather than 42) and as the old joke goes, everything ached, even bits I didn't know I had and anything that didn't hurt didn't work! Seriously!

I had to get up and close the blinds today whilst working to shut the lovely sunshine out and when Mom and I wandered out once I'd logged off for the day, I suggested heading down to the beach (a minute away) first before town for a change. Even though it can be very cold down there, I had an inkling I might catch the best light of the day. I reckon I was right. No idea who the convenient man was. I like a lone walker in a scene like that.

Back to town after that and home via M&S just in case. There endeth Wednesday.

Track? A most appropriate favourite from Robert Plant - Down to the Sea

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