jeni and the beans

By themessymama

Christmas Craft Fair!

Craft fair day!! .... started early booooo after a very very very (nearly 4am) late night for our monthly 20's & 30's breakfast at our house. November must be a busy and tired month, not many came this time. Either that or we didn't publicise it as well as last time... I didn't get involved though, Steve was in charge of the boys and I chased my tail getting everything ready for the fair.

Got there in time thank goodness! Had a fantastic pitch for my table right by the door, unloaded, set up, finished labelling etc. had a great morning! Steve brought the boys along to say hello and to pick up the car to take them swimming, only to discover I'd managed to park in a pay and display area and not paid and had got a parking ticket :( I'd been so distracted :(

Stall looked great though. Beautiful colours and things and pretties and sparkles, and very cohesive too! I was very happy with it. And, praise God, very quickly after Steve left the PCN with me I sold enough to cover the charge. And then enough to cover the stall... and then more... plus orders.....!!!! The sales plus the amazing encouragements I received completely restored my faith in my art, having sold nothing at the 'practise' stalls previously :)

Happy happy me :)

Once the fair was done and packed up (and I'd treated myself to yet another cake stand - I completely can't resist (it is beautiful though!)) and got home it was literally minutes before I was in pyjamas. And not much longer until I was in bed, dozing.

Meanwhile Steve had picked up the post to discover an anniversary card from his parents (it's our wedding anniversary tomorrow) with a cheque enclosed so we treated ourselves to a Thai takeaway which was JUST what we needed after today. I chose icecream tempura and pud thai. The icecream tempura was AMAZING. I will have that again!! Thankyou Mum and Dad :D

Pretty much everything left in the car overnight as we've been given the go-ahead to sell after church tomorrow as well :) The proceeds from the raffle and the cafe are all going to the Worthing Foodbank and I can't wait to see how much was raised :)

It was a fantastic day. You can see a few more pictures over on the blog!

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