Moving rooms!

Good day today. This is Ben helping daddy move our bed bit by bit into our new bedroom! The wallpaper isn't hung yet, and the carpet is only temporarily down until we get round to doing the skirting board and the ceiling, but we have painted walls and something pleasant to stand on when we get out of bed rather than bare grubby floorboards!

Our knights in shining armour were Stuart and Hayley last night who came round and helped get the painted walls painted and the walls to be papered sized and ready, and the ceiling sized in white. And Stuart helped Steve get the carpet from the living room into the bedroom - underlay and everything! It really was a transformation. Given the state of the room not even 10 days ago - the walls weren't even plastered - it's nothing short of miraculous that tonight we'll be sleeping in there.

We've even bought a lampshade!!

Ben has spent the day Out: Hayley picked him up this morning and they went off to a coffee morning for Children in Need. He got some Pudsey stickers when they went to the shops, and rode his bike all the way to school and back to pick up Hayley's kids! She looked like he'd worn her out when she dropped him back before teatime :)

Meanwhile Steve and I spent the morning (and lunchtime) at the hospital. It was a pretty long wait. But worth it - both the diabetic and the obstetric consultants had read the letter I wrote two weeks' ago and both were very sympathetic to how I felt! We had a laugh though, everyone was in a good mood and it was a very productive meeting. The diabetic consultant has pretty much agreed that there isn't a lot more we can do to get my blood sugars "better", it really is the best I can do. But she's happy that I know what I'm doing and can adjust my doses pretty well. We got the sweep done and although baby is engaged again he seems to have pushed my cervix round so it was tricky to get to - oh boy that brought back painful memories of them trying to get to it last time to break my waters. But the obstetric consultant was happy with what she managed to achieve with the sweep and even noted that I was 2cm dilated already - even if I'm not really ready to have my waters broken.

I've got another sweep booked for Tuesday, and then if nothing's happened by Thursday I'm booked in for induction. Which I'm actually not too fussed about any more! I'm ready for baby to come out, I'm glad they're happy to let me go another week, and everything seems to be going well. When she had a feel to see where baby was even the consultant said he didn't feel huge to her! Maybe he's just got big bones.... we'll see.

Once we finally got let out we headed off to a pizza restaurant for lunch. It's our 11th wedding anniversary today and I can't remember the last time I had a lunch date with Steve! It was lovely but by then I really was waddling like a duck ;0) A lovely leisurely lunch, followed by a quick trip to the DiY shop - honestly we only went in for some beading to finish off the door frame, and came out with the beading plus a lampshade, a table lamp, lightbulbs, more paint, and a mini plastering float. Lamps. Amazing that we can even think about that kind of stuff finally!

Shattered now. Bed's nearly ready to sleep in, and I'm looking forward to it :0)

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