A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley


We're in such a habit of early starts on a Saturday to take the kids to dancing and football that I think we've sort of stopped noticing. But occasionally I do long for the extra lie-in so today I'm taking mine this afternoon. You might think of it as an afternoon nap but sitting on my bed with the papers and a cup of tea it definitely has more of a lie-in feel to it.

With the exception of sneaking in a quick blip. And as it is a picture of our lunch it throws the whole lie-in thing completely to pot, unless I have invented time travel. Which I haven't.

Anyway, lunch comes with a small explanation....I realised this week that we have got into a bit of a rut food wise. Just the general busyness of lots of the stuff of life has left us doing almost identical online shops each week for the sheer speed and convenience which has meant that with pretty much the same food in the fridge and not a great deal of time or energy just before a mealtime to be creative we seem to have been eating the same things. This has obviously happened enough times now for me to get bored and trigger some action. So I took half an hour out yesterday to look through some cookery books for inspiration and have planned our meals for the next week. Just in time to pop by the veg stall and the butchers on the way home from dancing. So first note to self is that Friday is a really good for planning meals as Saturday morning will almost always present a shopping opportunity.

So lunch was wraps with stir-fry duck, red and yellow peppers and mange tout with rocket and hoisin sauce. Also convenient for help yourself buffet style eating as the conservatory is still mid-painting.

Well it was at lunchtime. It's now post-painting. And so am I - so back to that lie-in.

Lesley x

ps - tonight will still be Carlos curry night - but lamb which we haven't had in a while - and anyway, ruts aren't all bad.

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