A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley


We have now managed three Sunday roasts in a row which, according to the official definition from Anna makes it a tradition. Anna was the main star of dinner producing very fine Yorkshire puddings and a chocolate sponge pudding all on her own. All that was required of me was to pretend I was the presenter of Junior Bake Off and say things like, "Ready, steady , bake".

What else....football, rollerblading, lots of homework, financial planning, park, laundry. Feels like more than that somehow but perhaps that's due to being slightly sleep deprived. At some point in the small hours Carl managed to smash a glass which woke me up with a start from a very deep sleep. It took me about an hour to get back to sleep and when I did I was plagued by horrible, stressful dreams.

Thank goodness for Yorkshire puddings to get me through. I can't believe they could possibly give me bad dreams.

Lesley x

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