A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

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Red fizz. Who knew? It's lovely in case you're wondering. Carl's had a fab day and we are cautiously pre-celebrating. Hopefully the real celebration won't be too long in coming but you have to warm up for these things.

I've had a generally chilled day as the kids were off school with a teacher training day. J got whisked away mid morning to hang out with a friend whose birthday it was. So me and Anna did a few random things at home (like filling the jars from yesterday with sweets) and heading out to a rather lovely lunch. This afternoon I had a few work calls which were fine and a call with one bank (Barclays) which was most definitely not and one with another bank (Co-op) which was joyous in its customer friendly service approach and its efficiency and the amusement factor of being asked if I'm an Arms' Dealer (I'm not btw).

Happy weekends one and all.

Lesley x

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