Heading Home

Rach and the girls were up very early this morning as it was time for them to head home, and she wanted to get an early start. They left at 6.40am and had another good journey, arriving home by mid-day.

It was back to work for me, and I decided to cycle as it looked like a nice morning, however there was a sea mist that worked it's way in, and a strong headwind! This is where the power assistance comes in though, I couldn't have managed without it.

I left home early, as yesterday a pod of 30 dolphins were seen between the marina and the pier, so I hoped I'd see some this morning. It was too murky though, so instead you get a shot from my bike along the undercliff walk. Luckily the weather cleared up by lunch time and the wind was behind me for my ride home.

Thanks to those of you who've kept up with me while the girls have been here, it's been impossible to comment or reply as I've had my hands full, but I'll try to catch up now.

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