Foiled Again

Blonde Ambition has been restored.

Ever since I was 14 and my brother bleached my hair for me one night after our parents had gone to bed, in homage to the mighty Paula Yates, I have been blonde.

My mousy hair disappeared that night in 1982, and has not been seen since. Admittedly, it took three goes, travelling through banana yellow, then blue, then silver-grey, but eventually we got it blonde and that was that. My brother also bleached his hair but he is naturally very dark brown and it did not suit him at all, so he changed again after a few days, but I was set.

I have never minded dumb blonde jokes, because like the wonderful Dolly Parton, not only do I know I am not dumb, I also know I am not blonde.

Natasha also put some red streaks, but I don't know how long they will last.

Chris went for a health check today and ironically came back with a headache so bad he went straight to bed and can't even bear to have as much as a shaft of light coming through a crack in the door. I've never seen him quite as ill before.

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