Royal Exchange Dundee

A manky wet day with a visit to the dentist thrown in. As usual that took me up to the centre of the city, hence the blip!

It was in 1835 that the 'Cowgate' - the name given to Dundee's merchant and manufacturing class of the day - opened a coffee house and, as the original members were mainly engaged in the trade of flax which came almost entirely from the Baltic Sea, the association and the meeting place was called 'The Baltic Coffee House'.

A year later this association became the Dundee Chamber of Commerce and, during the prosperous 1850s, the Royal Exchange was erected a short distance from the Baltic Coffee House.

Dating back to 1854 and designed by celebrated Victorian architect David Bryce, in a Flemish neo-Gothic style based on the cotton halls of Flanders, the building went on to house the Dundee Stock Exchange throughout the 1950s and 1960s. It also remained the home if the Dundee Chamber of Commerce until the early 2000's when the Dundee chamber became the Dundee and Angus chamber and moved to city quay where I work. They will soon be even closer neighbours!

Thanks loads for all the hearts and start last night mwwwwhah xx

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