November Morning Light

It was there and then came the cloud and rain. Still, it was a Monday and cloud and rain are ok on a Monday!

The longest evvvvvvver team meeting this lunchtime. The new contract now 7 weeks in has led to a change in what we do. A bit of a reshuffle of roles and responsibilities as well. So we will now be with the client for the long haul instead of handing them on to another team. This can be a good or a bad thing depending on the client but will mean a bit of learning which is a good thing and a tonne more paper work which is......oh yes, a bad thing.

But, but hurrah! After a year of being short staffed we are recruiting to a fill a couple of posts and creating a new one too. This should all help lighten the load come the new year.

So a long meeting but some positive outcomes. Not bad for a Monday!

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