
Last day in New York.

After a diner breakfast at George's it was on to the open-top sightseeing bus tour which was excellent and took us down streets and avenues we wouldn't have visited otherwise. Got off at Union Square to get the subway over to Brooklyn where had tickets to see the David Bowie Is exhibition at The Brooklyn Museum. Us grown-ups had seen the exhibition 5 years ago when it started its 'world tour' at London's V&A so it seemed fitting that we were seeing it on its last stop as well. We all loved it, had to more or less drag my youngest away when it was time to go ("But dad, I'm just watching 'Rebel Rebel'! ")

Down to Brooklyn Heights for pizzas at Juliana's, then ice cream underneath the bridge before the walk over it back to Manhattan. My eldest was keen to see Times Square and Broadway so up there we went. Heaving! All quite impressive with the lights and the noise and everything but not somewhere that I'd want to spend a whole chunk of time.

One of the main big tourist things we all wanted to do on our visit here was to go up the Empire State Building so that's how we finished off our day and our time in New York. Loved it.

"He lives in Brooklyn somewhere"

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