
"Rubber Dinghy Rapids bro!"

It's not, but if you've seen the film 'Four Lions' you'll know why I say that, in a Brummie accent of course.

Another early start for the extra Magic Hour at Animal Kingdom. Kali River Rapids, Everest, Jungle Safari and the acquisition of some unfamiliar collective nouns - a flamboyance of flamingos anyone? Or even a tower of giraffes?

Home in the heat after lunch and then back in a torrential downpour in the evening. So much so that when we got off the bus at the park, and thirty minutes later hadn't actually left the bus station until it eased grown-ups decided to cut our losses, get the next bus home and leave the girls to it. So off they went in the rain complete with WhatsApp and instructions to stay in touch and stick together....and came home a bit soggy and tired but happy a few hours later.


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