
If it's Thursday then it must be Hollywood Studios, right? Bit of a later start today but still managed to pack in a pretty full morning. But when I was standing there, early afternoon, waiting for the bus to return to the hotel, I didn't really need to look at the weather app on my phone to tell me that it was absolutely sweltering and that I/we had all had enough for the day. The air-con room and the swimming pool back at base both beckoned...

Picked up a hire car at teatime and headed east a few miles on Highway 192 to an area with loads of eateries. The buffet place we went for was terrific - fabulous salads, friendly staff, great value, really good quality food all round. Got to say that I've been to the USA several times in the past but this is the first time I've been since 2002, and the first time I've been to Florida. I think we're going to get along just fine over the next couple of weeks.


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