Smile dear!

We decided on a visit to Dunham Massey today, after our lazy day yesterday!

A bit overcast early on, but by the time we got there the temperature had gone up a couple of degrees.

The park looks vastly different to our last visit, all the trees in full leaf, the lake full of flag irises, the deer up near the house basking in the sunshine.

We did our usual circuitous route, before a break for lunch in the Stables, a sandich and a lovely cup of coffee :-)

After our breather, we headed to the gardens.
The rose garden is in full bloom just now, glorious on the senses :-)

The old Saw Mill was open today too, so we were able to have look inside, at all the old woeking wheels and pullies, criven by the big old water wheel.

We clocked up just over 11k steps during our visit.....I didnt take quite that many photos ;-)

I couldn't decide between the main blip and the first extra, but opted for this as it made me smile :-) Added a couple of extras besides too.

An hour deadheading and watering once we got home, then a cuppa sat on the deck, before dinner. I had bought some langoustine and crab decided to make some tomato pasta sauce to go with it, tossed the ravioli with parmesan, it was very tasty, followed by some fresh blueberries and pineapple :-)

We than tortured ourselves watching the England game.......after that performance, if you can call it a performance, I shan't be holding my breath :-/

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