A Fawn of Brown...Lying Down

Lisa and my dad and I left this morning at 9a.m., to go to an arts and crafts show in Kensington Metro Park. The show started at 10, and even at 10...it was H-O-T. 85F and sunny. We saw some neat stuff, including several photographers and a talented lady who crafted gourds. But, we couldn't stay out. TOO HOT!

Before leaving, we stopped at the park farm to check on Peppa the pig. I knew she was expecting, and...sure enough...her piglets were born yesterday. Day old baby piglets...pretty hard to beat that, eh?

But...then my phone rang, and it was Barry, my neighbor.

We got a call from our neighbor,
about a baby in the blades.
The setting makes you wonder...
why didn't she have it in the shade?

Mama doe was nowhere around,
hope she hasn't taken a pass.
So much fun to see the baby fawn...
can I call it A Splendor in the Grass?

The gourd lady and two pretty posing pink pugnacious piglets are in my Extras (lower right corner.)

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