Sprig has sprug

A busy day of meetings, some of which I didn't walk out of.

In the morning there was an informal chat type of meeting with a developer, where we gently pointed out their optioned land had only one feasible construction access point, and that one not very good.

In the afternoon it was supposed to be a stakeholder meeting for Charfield, held by South Gloucestershire Council. In the end it turned out to be a pointless and frustrating "tick box consultation" presentation event, and the number of invited people who actually lived in Charfield was heavily outnumbered by developers and other folk with vested interest in promoting unsustainable development.

It was particularly amusing to watch the expressions on the face of the lady most involved in village wildflower and bee-friendly plantings when one of the speakers put up a photograph of a post-flowering wildflower bed and said "we can sort this kind of mess out too"...

I managed to eat something before going off to chair the normal full Parish Council meeting, which was far more pleasant and relevant, and finished that off with a post-meetings whisky.

Janet's decided to decorate the bedroom, so I think I'm sleeping in the camper van tonight.

Rosemary is good for something, isn't it? I forget... ;-)

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