Mono Monday - "every picture tells a story"

An explosion at the candle works...! 

The theme is a given, really; every picture does indeed tell a story. This tale will unfold over the next few months, beginning with a chapter on new leaves, with a middle section regaling an unfolding candelabra plot of cream and pink flowers, and a climax of conkers. The tale is never fully ended, but gets retold year after year until there is an epilogue of fungus and compost.  © Aesculus hippocastanum (author)

Another tale was told today, as we set off for the routine blood clinic at Southmead, when my phone rang and a friend told me his wife had fallen and had broken her femur so badly and so close to the joint that a new hip was being prepared. At Southmead. So Janet and I met up with Bob for coffees and commiserations. Hopefully, by now, all has been done and done well. And a story of recovery begins.

Every day, a new tale.

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