Primuland Proper

Spent an enjoyable few hours this afternoon raking in some more wildflower seeds at the village burial ground. I've mentioned it before, I'm sure. Established five years ago after a lengthy parish council project, it was why I joined the council in the first place. Half of the site is in use for burials and cremated remains interments, while the other half is set aside for wildflowers and insect friendly planting.

The cowslips seem always to come up first, and while it's taken a long time to make any in-roads into the nettle and thistle population there is an awful lot of diversity in the leaves now appearing above ground. I'm hopeful that in the current wet weather and with the threat of warmer days next week, a bit more wildflower seed will boost the colour later this summer.

Some of the seed sewed today comes from my brother’s wedding last month, when everyone was given a sachet of bee friendly seeds in honour of the daisy theme the wedding had adopted. Hopefully they’ll come up with more than just daisies!

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