Cleanliness Is Not Next To Godliness
Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,
Eldest Mini Princess didn’t wake up until 1 pm today. I was so bored by then that I started the soul destroying mission of cleaning out the kitchen cupboards. I hold EMP responsible for this very dull decision.
Youngest Mini Princess was my able assistant. She LOVES organising so was happily helping me get rid of the things we don’t need/never needed. Who knew that we had 4 sets of pumpkin carving kits at the back of a drawer? I also decided to part with a jar of treacle that went out of date in 2015.
We had a lovely time chatting away, happily basking in our OCD until YMP (whilst emptying the very top shelf of a cupboard with the cr@p that has long since been forgotten) gasped, ‘WHAT ARE THESE? THAT’S DISGUSTING’
I probably should have thrown out the ‘porn’ shot glasses a while ago (see extra).
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