The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Surprise Spa

Dear O'H dear,

Jenny came back today. I had arranged to meet her in Peebles because she thought we were going for lunch, but unbeknown to her, there was a surprise plan for 5 of us to have afternoon tea and a spa treatment at The MacDonald Hotel in Cardrona as we couldn’t be there for her 40th last year.

Jenny was suitably surprised to see us although there may have been some eye leakage. She had said a very sad goodbye to Laurel yesterday which we did feel bad about. Not sure that “Just kidding” really cut it!

It was such a special afternoon. Jenny had a really nice time and said she felt very loved which is exactly what she is. I liked spending some time with people I have heard so much about but only met in passing. Unsurprisingly, given the person Jenny is, they are all lovely and it felt like a happy way to end her visit to the Borders.

The Prince was out tonight so we had a girly evening watching Dirty Dancing. Murphy was beside himself that Jenny was back and wouldn’t leave her side. I’m going to give him her passport to ‘play with.’


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