The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Pyjama Day

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

It was hideous today. It rained and snowed all day but not in a picturesque kind of way. In a freezing horizontal gale kind of way.

The Mini Princesses has a pyjama day and we all watched a lot of tv. Separately. In different rooms. Like a normal family!

I was happily singing along to music in the afternoon whilst doing the ironing when Eldest Mini Princess turned down the volume (on the speaker, not me) and declared that ‘She couldn’t hear herself think’. When I stopped laughing, I had to explain to her that SHE is the teenager and I am the parent and she that is NOT fulfilling her duties. There has been no drinking, smoking, staying out late, shouting or slamming doors.

On reflection, she is a keeper.


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