Flower (Day 949)

I missed the morning woofer wander this morning, instead spending time unloading stuff from the van whilst my beautiful wife took the dogs up the hill.
A little later I headed to town for a check up on the mashed finger. The doc was relatively pleased with the progress and doesn't want to see me again. The nurse re-dressed my finger and gave me a stack of dressings to use over the next little while. Having collected a van load of pellets for the boiler, I returned home to unload, then zoomed off to the bathroom re-fit.
I hung around for a while, waiting for various things to be delivered and it was noon before I actually started work. I had a problem with fitting the shower tray, so decided to fit the bath instead. Unfortunately I had been supplied with the wrong bath. I packed up and headed to town where I hung around for a while until I was given the correct bath.
It was dark by the time I was home and I hadn't had the chance to get a blip, so after building the new stone lifting hoist, I spent a little while playing with the macro lens.
Fingers crossed, tomorrow will be a little more productive.

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